Product line
Product line
We carry a wide range of products necessary for the food business, from food containers, food consumables, eco-friendly materials, hygiene-related supplies and cleaning supplies, bags, films, packing materials, store fixtures, to machinery and equipment, all of which are indispensable for the distribution of food products.
Product Information
Product Categories Covered
Eco-friendly materials
We have a large selection of products made from environmentally friendly materials such as bagasse (fibrous material that remains after crushing sugarcane), paper, biomass plastic, and biodegradable plastic. We provide our customers with the most suitable eco-friendly containers from all aspects, including environmental friendliness, functionality, and cost.
Food containers
We carry a large number of standard products such as trays for fresh food, lunch box containers, and food packs, as well as specialized containers for frozen foods, sweets, and other specific applications. Custom-made containers can also be manufactured.
Food consumables
Food consumables often carried together with food containers. Orikane offers a wide variety of items such as disposable chopsticks, cutlery, drink cups, hand towels, tasting plates, paper plates, and wraps.
We have bags of all shapes and sizes, from bags used as daily necessities such as plastic bags, oriented polypropylene (OPP) bags, lunch bags, and plastic shopping bags, to bags for different purposes such as paper bags, furoshiki (wrapping cloth), and cold storage bags.
Laminating films
Film is an indispensable item for food preservation, and the type of film varies depending on its use. Variations include vacuum bags, aluminum-metallized films, stand-up packs, retort pouches, films for deep drawing, and top seals.
hygiene-related supplies and cleaning supplies
Our products range from disposable gloves, masks, paper towels, alcohol, and other necessities of daily life to counter cloths, shoes, uniforms, caps, detergents, and other items indispensable in stores and factories.
Store fixtures, fittings and promotional items
We offer a wide range of products from decorative fixtures such as display shelves and dividers, store fixtures such as shopping carts, wagons, baskets, and trays, to items that support the back of the store such as kitchen supplies, containers, and backyard supplies.
Packing materials
We mainly carry cushioning materials of various sizes, cardboard of various thicknesses, craft tape, OPP tape, polypropylene (PP) band, stretch film and so forth, which are used for packing at distribution centers./p>
Machinery and equipment
Customers can choose from various genres of machines such as packaging machines, filling machines, and inspection equipment that are essential in food factories, as well as rice processing equipment, kitchen supplies, peelers, and hygiene-related equipment used in stores, according to their specifications.
Our goal is to realize a safe, secure, and environmentally friendly society and a rich dietary life.
* Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs):
Goals to be addressed by the entire world by 2030, adopted at the UN Summit in September 2015